• Mind equals blown”

    ~Kyle, WA

    Earlier this year, we asked Microsoft Rewards members to share their favorite Microsoft story.

    Over 125,000 members shared their stories, and here are some of the best. Your stories helped inspire us to build bigger and better experiences for our fans. Thanks a lot!

  • "Skype is one of my favorite products because it allows me to talk to my daughter and grandson 1100 miles away. To hear him laugh or say Happy Birthday Paw Paw makes my heart smile. I love seeing those moments."

    Ed, TX

    "My wife recently had to take a business trip to the Netherlands. Skype was great to see her and share a few minutes here and there. My kids especially like being able to talk to mommy and show her their school work."

    Anthony, CA

    "I was deployed to Iraq in 2009, one night in October the post that I was stationed at had an incident, which my wife found out. I was able to use a civilian internet to Skype to her. I was able to ensure to her that I was alright."

    John, MT

    "Skype, I love you! My family and I use it daily to keep in touch since we do not live near each other. I was able to view an engagement, a wedding, and the birth of my cousin among many other important occasions that I would have otherwise missed out on."

    Michelle, NJ

    "I have the Skype set up on a tablet for my mom, who is 80 years old. With the auto accept video call for contacts, it’s a breeze to call her and talk – no hassles and only happy tears when she sees my 8-month-old baby!"

    Joe, NJ

    "My wife and I used Skype while on our ten-day honeymoon to France. We used it to see and speak to our one-year-old daughter who we have never left for longer than a day. Skype made our fear of not seeing our daughter that much easier. We love using it and will continue using it."

    Jonathan, CA

    "Skype keeps my kids connected to their grandparents. We live hours away from their closest grandparent. They argue over who is going to talk first, they get to show off new toys or awards, they show off missing teeth. Skype keeps the kids connected with family."

    Lee, PA

    "I just learned how to Skype – and now I can SEE my son who is in college as well as hear his voice. It's a magnitude above a phone call – to see his smile, to know he is looking good, to be reassured that all is well. Thanks, Skype!"

    Michelle, WY

    "Both of my sons were deployed in the same year to Afghanistan; during that time, Skype was a heart saver. Every day that they were able to, my son's would Skype their loved ones. Without that technology, that year would have been significantly harder than it was. Thank you Microsoft for Skype."

    DJ, OH

    "My parents live in-town, but can't get enough of my 18-month-old daughter. Now they know how to Skype her, and it's a game-changer! My daughter absolutely loves talking (babbling) to her grandparents over Skype!"

    Jason, OH

    "I am an elementary school teacher, and I have taught abroad on and off for the past ten years. Skype has been vital to keeping in touch with my family and communicating with my communities at home when I'm out of the country. I can't thank you enough for Skype!"

    Nicolette, WA

    "My grandparents own multiple factories in South America (Peru), and unfortunately I get to see them every 3 years, but with the help of Skype and wifi, I am able to talk with them every weekend!"

    Matt, MI

    "When my son had to fly halfway around the world on business for a month to India 8,000 miles away, it was so great to Skype with him every day. I really love it. It was the next best thing to having him back home."

    Larry, WI

    "Thanks to Skype, my kids have been able to maintain relationships with their aunts, uncles, and grandparents in a way I couldn't when I was a kid. Even though their family lives miles and miles away, they can still be part of their life through Skype."

    Rick, NY

    "I use Skype on an almost daily basis to keep in touch with my family and friends from the comfort of my college dorm. We can quickly share links, pictures, videos, or music. When we need to help each other, we can start a call and share screens. And we laugh at all the fun little emoticons available."

    Veronica, WA