• Mind equals blown”

    ~Kyle, WA

    Earlier this year, we asked Microsoft Rewards members to share their favorite Microsoft story.

    Over 125,000 members shared their stories, and here are some of the best. Your stories helped inspire us to build bigger and better experiences for our fans. Thanks a lot!

  • "My favorite part of Microsoft Rewards points is being able to turn these points into finances that I can donate directly to the Boys and Girls Club of America."

    Jordan, OR

    "The first thing I do when I get to work or home is to log on to BING. I look forward to learning something new daily, by taking the quizzes and reading about that day’s beautiful display. The doubleshot quizzes are so much fun. Thank you for making me smile and say WOW everyday. YOU ROCK!!"

    Colleen, PA

    "I love the rewards! My goal is to contribute as many dollars as I can to the charities listed on your Microsoft Rewards page. I feel that my contributions are rewards for those who will benefit in positive ways. I encourage for others to do the same. One change can make a difference."

    Jovanni, CA

    "My favorite recent Microsoft moment was seeing them mention FIRST Robotics in a recent quiz and on the Rewards page where Microsoft matched my donated points for a contribution to FIRST. I am a mentor to several FIRST teams from FIRST LEGO League through FIRST Robotics Competition. Knowing that a company I respect supports a charity I love makes me happy."

    Randy, WA

    "I check Bing every morning while I'm blow drying my hair. :) I get to see the news headlines and interesting stories, and the bonus is earning points to cash in for Amazon dollars. My husband does this too, and we save up to help with buying birthday and Christmas gifts for friends and family."

    Alecia, ND

    "I love Microsoft Rewards! It’s a quick and fun way to earn rewards that I use for my Xbox Live Gold account. I love getting my favorite Xbox One games or DLC just for doing fun activities or things I already do throughout the day. It makes it all feel connected. Thanks so much!"

    Weston, MI

    "Every day, I look forward to the daily offers because they present a unique opportunity to learn something about the world I live in. Who knew that Valentine's Day was on the same day as Extraterrestrial Culture Day? These daily trivia nuggets have made the experience extra rewarding for me."

    Jarod, NY

    "I love the incentive of getting rewards. Doing the daily headline stories allows for me to become more informed about events going around in the world. I also just enjoy the occasional interesting story that comes along. And its great, because while also gaining knowledge, I get rewarded!"

    Casey, PA

    "It seemed too good to be true that I could earn points for real-life rewards just by searching for things like I normally would. I started clicking on random news stories on Bing at first just to earn the search points, but now it's evolved into a genuine interest to keep up with current events, while earning points all the while. Win-win."

    Megan, NJ

    "Weird as it sounds, I actually look forward to Microsoft Rewards emails because I like taking the quizzes. I usually bomb out but I end up learning something new every time. And searching on Bing has become a regular daily habit for me. But hey, it's the small things in life, eh?!"

    Bessie, NC

    "Microsoft Rewards has become part of my daily routine. I get to work, make myself a coffee and sit down in front of my computer. Before I open my emails I take 20 minutes to log in and take a look at todays highlights. I love learning new little things every day. And a plus, I get points to try to win a drone!!"


    "Microsoft actually helps with family bonding! Both my son and I have Microsoft accounts. We compete with each other to see who can accumulate the most points, the fastest. We love Microsoft and it gives this mom and teenage son a mutual interest. Thank you for offering such a great program!"

    Lily, HI

    "I use Bing every day for search, as it's my favorite. In 2017, I've been very devoted to finding new charities to donate to. Thanks to Microsoft's Rewards program, and this month's doubling of donations, I was not only able to give my search money to charity, but was able to find new organizations that I might not have funded before."

    IJ, NY

    "Microsoft has got me in a daily routine to search the Bing news, on my mobile while having breakfast, and then later on my PC to catch up on the day's news and receive points doing it! I look forward to getting all my points daily and looking for the extra points in my email account."

    Fred, NY

    "My day begins with pulling up Bing and taking advantage of the Rewards points. I'm using the points to purchase Xbox Gold for 12 months. It's not that I can't afford it, but it's one of those things that you feel accomplished achieving. Everyone loves earning points and getting rewarded."

    Nate, AZ